The Geek & The Chic

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Back Again

Lest you think I am less than interested in blogging, fear not. Once again I am without a computer since I brought it with me to the Island of Long for my sister's expert diagnosis on why it moves so slow. I am not sure when I'll get it back but I do know we're planning another trip at the end of this month.

Speaking of which, I laid down the gauntlet to all who would listen to me last weekend. It's time to reciprocate the visits. We're settled and unpacked (mostly) and ready for company. Roads go both ways and it's time to be visited.

We did travel south last weekend for my niece's birthday party. She turned four this year and it seems like only yesterday we were all waiting for her to arrive. She looked adorable in her little dress and pink "Happy Birthday" tiara, greeting all her guests. Then, of course, it was all about cake and ice cream. Her presents included clothing, Candyland, art supplies and a Blues Clues Memory Game. Blues is still big with the 4 year old set, in case you're wondering. Oh, and she also received a child's size miniature director's chair. In keeping with tradition of teaching my niece appropriate comments ("Go army! Hooah!") we also taught her to say (while in the chair), "Cut! Action! Quiet on the set!"

As I mentioned, I am without computer again. I had to leave it with my sister. I am at the library in town. I am beginning to wonder whatever happened to being quiet in the library. There are three or four teenagers sharing a computer in the corner making enough noise to wake the dead. Oh, the librarian just came in and told them to be quiet. Much better now, the noise has quieted to a dull roar.

But alas, my computer time at the library is up. I am going to be busy tomorrow -- the Jeep has an oil leak that needs to be checked and husband is only working a half day so I am not sure what we'll be doing. Maybe we'll take in a movie. I still want to see "Must Love Dogs"


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